“Write whenever you like, leave the tedious to the software, and get insights from your notes. This is the Lifelight.”
Start writing without a hassle. Information like realtime weather, feeling of the day and much more, automatically added for you.
Look back into the past. Gallery with on-device AI powered highlights is a perfect way to help you recall old memories.
Peak into the future through multiple lens, like Random Show, Mood Trend, Mapped Journey, etc. Insights is a personal compass to know yourself.
WHY LifeLight - AI Journal & Friend?
Complex tools makes it's easy to get lost. When using simple tools, the notes could easily scattered everywhere. Why can't software help?
Writing without being disturbed. Enjoy the ease of use brought by technological advances while having absolute privacy.
iPad, iPhone, Mac and Apple Watch
Daily Auto Headline
Understand Your Mood
Intelligent Classification
Event, Emotions, Keywords Organizers
Automatic Weather & Location
Time Travel
Dynamic Background
Powerful Search
Weekly Glance
Mood Trend
Random Show
Map Journey
Customizable Modules
iCloud Sync
Face ID
Customize Color, Typography
Recycled Bin
Dark Mode